Jeanette presenting at Cutlers’ Hall at the ITI 2019 Conference in Sheffield, United Kingdom
Jeanette presenting on CPD in the Gartenbaukino at BP18 in Vienna, Austria
Jeanette presenting at ATA58 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC
Jeanette after presenting at the ATA’s German Language Division in Europe’s Fourth Annual Workshop in Karlsruhe, Germany, 2017
Jeanette participating in a panel discussion at Translate Cluj 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keeping up-to-date on the latest trends in the translation business is a key part of how I'm able to provide first-class service that meets your needs. That's why I'm always seeking out new opportunities to pursue continuing professional development (CPD). Here's a a few things that I've been doing to stay on the cutting edge:
Presented at Ukrainian Translation Industry Camp 2020 in Dnipro, Ukraine (remotely), July 2020.
Presented at the Second East Africa Translation Conference in Arusha, Tanzania, February 2020.
Attended World Travel Market at the ExCeL Centre in London, England, November 2019
Presented at the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) Conference 2019 in Sheffield, England, May 11, 2019
Attended and participated in a panel discussion at TranslateCluj, Cluj, Romania, March 2019
Attended Back2Business Bucharest, March 11, 2019
Attended the Keyword: Innovation event from the Business Women Forum Romania, hosted by Advantage Austria, December 13, 2018
Attended the Translating Europe Forum 2018 at the European Commission in Brussels in November of 2018. The topic was “'Translation in the Age of Data”.
Presented at the BP18 Translation Conference in Vienna, Austria, April 19, 2018
Presented at the ATA's German Language Division in Europe's annual workshop, held in Berlin, in February 2018
Presented at the 58th ATA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., October 26th, 2018
Attended Chris Durban's Translation Master Class in Utrecht, Netherlands, November 11th, 2018
Attended several private translation events throughout 2017, including at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C.
Attended the BP17 Translation Conference in Budapest, Hungary in May 2017
Attended CeBIT 2017
Coursework in the Editing Certificate program at the University of Chicago, 2017
Attended ELIA Together translation conference in Berlin in February of 2017
Presented at the ATA's German Language Division in Europe's annual workshop, held in Karlsruhe, in February 2017
Attended several private translation events throughout 2016, including at King's College, Cambridge, UK; organized a small translation gathering in Bucharest, Romania as part of a larger private translation event in Ramnicu Valcea, Romania
Attended BP16 Translation Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2016
Attended the Translation and Localization Conference in Warsaw, Poland, March 2016
Attended BP15 Translation Conference in Zagreb, Croatia in May 2015
Attended the Annual Sommerfest event hosted by the German-Romanian chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bucharest in June of 2014
Attended a workshop with Volkswagen's R+D translation department in Wolfsburg, Germany, January 2014
Attended a talk by former ATA President Nick Hartmann at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, February 2013
Attended a talk by Peter Filkins, translator of The Journey by H. G. Adler, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, February 2011